It is true in so many ways. The family is so important. I love the Christmas season when you can get with your family and share the wonderful experiences that you have had since the last time you saw them or just digging out your minds the old great memories that you have had together in the past. It is funny things never change.
In the Hammond family tradition is a major part of Christmas. You can ask anyone of the family members who were married in to the family how big a role of tradition is to us. So every year we buckle up and we do are Christmas traditions, which have to include the whole family, which occasionally brings out quite the battle.
I want to talk about some of the more major ones in the Hammond family. It is funny because all of them include family. 1st would have to be the Hammond family dinner. We have all of the extended family come in to Provo and we meet at our Grandfathers house and sing songs and do talents and sit upon Santa Clauses knee and tell him what we want for Christmas. Then we all have a giant dinner and enjoy each other’s company. It is funny because all of the same conversations come out every year. They usually include making fun of cousin Roy for not bringing his saxophone to the Christmas gathering (I have never seen him bring it, so this has gone on for a long time), nest why the single members of the family are not dating anyone, or if they are why they are not at the party (beware you will have to be reindeer and prance around the room if you come), and one of the last ones would have to be what is going on in everyone else’s life.
2nd of the great family traditions would have to be Christmas eve when we go as a family to get pizza at Brick Oven. They are on of the few places open on Christmas Eve and so we enjoy our pizza and then go look at the great Christmas lights of Provo until someone gets carsick. (You all know that someone in the family has to be sick or it wouldn’t be a family gathering).
Last but not least of all would be the run in to the family room where all of Santa’s presents have been laid. We all wait upon the stairs until we are allowed to go in and tear apart the presents from Santa. This video will show you the great excitement of that morning.