Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Flowers and Running!

I just wanted to write a short note. First of all I created my first wedding bouquet this week. It dose not look the best and needs some work, but I am loving it and it is a blast to do it. Flowers rock!

Next I did the Rex Lee run at BYU for cancer victims. I ran with my two friends Mari and Mackenzie. The whole time I was thinking of people that I know that are or had suffered form cancer. Such as my Grandfather and Julie Wallace. It was a great run and it was great to see many people show up to support cancer. 

I hope you all have a great week! 

"Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope"

Friday, March 20, 2009


Okay first of all sorry for not writing for the longest time! I am sorry, school is crazy and life is too, but I am ready to start up for the next couple of weeks before school gets out. But enough of that I am a published author in the daily universe at Brigham Young University!

Okay so the reason for the publishing is because of the great letters to the editors that you can write. So the story is the elections where going on at BYU and if you have ever been around when elections are going on at BYU you will understand why I wrote my letter. So lets see what I wrote!

"Leave Us Be"

"The week of constant badgering has fallen upon BYU. The quiet campus of BYU for one week has become a wolf's den for the hopeful politicians for BYUSA. Now why does it have to be such a fight? I walk down the sidewalk awaiting an attack from the various colors of flyers being handed out by the motivated (overly  motivated) volunteers for the potential candidates. I can't look one direction without a pack of volunteers or candidates running trying to catch my eye. Let's be civil here. If people want to know about your initiatives, they will come and talk to you. Say hi! Be nice! Don't be the wolves looking for their next victims. I speak for the students of BYU. We don't want to be your next meal!"

So basically BYU for one week is the most annoying campus in the world. Sorry for those who liked election week at BYU, but really? BYUSA dose a lot of good for the students, but the elections are not one of them. To quote another devoted letter to the editor writer Dallin Lundin. He say's "my campaign motto would be something along the lines of, "Taking money form the students to pad my resume," or "You thought high school was over, you were wrong!"." BYU is a great school and the student body council is greatly appreciated, lets just change the election process. 

I like to give my thanks to Dru Laws for first giving my the insights about the Daily Universe letter to the editors section and the inspiration to write funny but true letters. 

"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric."
- Bertrand Russell

I had to show you my mustache that I am growing for a contest with my friends. It is gross, but fund to do!

I hope you all have a great week! Love Jeff