Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why I am a nerd two!

So here is just a quick up date on nerdyness of Jeff Hammond.

So I thought this girl was cute in church a couple of weeks ago and so I randomly talked to her through out the day and then we had sunday school together and so I was like I can go sit next to her and talk and stuff. Well as I walk up to sit next to her my friends were like come sit by us. I stuttered and said I wanted to go sit closer. They caught my drift and then laughed. So I went up and asked her if I could site next to her and when I sat down I sat right between two seats because I was nervous to sit next to her. haha So all my friends started to laugh at me after that even more. So much for that.

Next example would have to be when my physics TA called me a nerd. Yes you heard it a TA or someone that is majoring in Physics of all subjects called me a nerd. I thought that was the ultimatum. I think it has to do with my gaining weight example after you are married. So the larger your mass the more attractive force you have on other objects. So if you are ever gaining more weight you can just say to your spouse that you are just trying to attract them more. I know lame, but I thought it was way funny!

I love you all and the next post wont be about nerds.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Nerd With In

Okay! So what is a nerd?

nerd |nərd| noun informala foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious : one of those nerds who never asked a girl to dance
Well I would not say that I am a "Total" nerd, but yes I have my nerdy days. I like the description they give here at the end of the definition of a nerd. "one of those nerds who never asked a girl to a dance" Well I asked girls to dances but only because I had two older sisters that would kill me if I didn't! (thank you)
I would like to explain today how I am a nerd. I kind of like the idea of being a nerd, if that is not nerdy enough. I love how over the semester I would not only have my back pack completely full but I also had a BYU grocery bag that I would carry more books in so I would have them all for school. You know what I am talking about too. Those kids that have a backpack the size of the sun and yet they still have another bag to carry everything else. This is even if they don't need them they still carry the books. Soooooo me. Too bad I don't have a photo of me walking around campus with all my stuff.
Next in my perfection of nerdyness I have taken up bike riding to school everyday. Even in bad weather I like going to school on the bike. I am saving money and the ride is fun. I pull my pant leg up on one side so it wont get caught in the chain and then I notice when I am heading home I still have not rolled my pant leg down. There are pros and cons to this. First the cons are the fact that I have had my pant leg up all day and I have walked around campus with it up, but the pro is that I don't have to roll it up again.

Well next when you think of nerd you think of chemistry, physics, and math. Well I am doing good here because I only really like physics. It is interesting to see how the world works, which then makes me also like chemistry I guess (just not at BYU). Then in order to like all of these you must like math, so I am starting to even like math. Okay so strike out again.

Now I am not saying I am a "total" nerd but it is funny to look at my days and see how nerdy I really am sometimes. Now I have never really kept my pant leg up for a whole day, but I have for a couple of hours and more than once. We all do corky things and that is what I want to point out. We are all weird and different. So next time you see a "nerd" think to yourself how nerdy are you!