Monday, November 17, 2008

The Post Office Run

The post office is the place to be from 12:00 until 3:00 at BYU. Why I say that is because I work there. The great old post office at BYU. It is amazing how many people come into the BYU post office mailing things to foreign countries. I guess the girls are always trying to keep up with their boyfriends who are on missions (we all know those never last). To prove the point of the foreign mail, the BYU post office mails more foreign mail in the United states west of the Mississippi then any other place. Cool thing. We even have the provo post office call us about stuff when it comes to foreign stuff. 

Well the cool thing that happened this week has to do with a korean man that came into the post office. He came in and came up to my desk and did not say anything to me and pointed at some stuff and I gave him a pen and he went on writing his letter. So I looked to see what he was writing and it was in korean so I said hello to him in korean. He just sat their and looked at me and I kept talking to him. Eventually he got that I was speaking korean and he pointed towards his ears and gave me the sign that he was deaf. So I thought this was interesting that a korean man was in Utah and deaf. The cool thing though is that I lived with the Elders that taught deaf in people korea, so I learned a little Korean Sign Language. So I said hello and nice to meet you to him and he got a big smile on his face and we had an instant bond. We did not have to say anything to each other but we both noticed we had a love for each other for our cultures and that we wanted to help each other. He left with a smile on his face and I was happy the rest of the day. Words are not everything I came to find out. 

If you truly care for someone the actions and ways you try to make them happy shows you what you feel and think about them as a person. I am so happy that I could say hello to him, but I was happier that we could trust each other by pointing and trying to understand each other. 

"There are times when silence has the loudest voice"
-- Leroy Brownlow 

It is true, actions are what shows us the love of others it has the loudest voice. I have one request for you all that read this, look at what others do for you and see what you do for others. I love you all and have a super week. 

"Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."  --Matthew 25:40


Robert said...

You started off my day.

Jessica said...

That is cool that you got to speak some Korean. I am sure that made that man's day! Sounds like the post office job is working out pretty good! :)

Anonymous said...

You're the best.

Brook and Chad said...

It makes me proud to have you as my cousin. You have wisdom.