Sunday, February 22, 2009


Well the time has come again when I turn a year older! So happy birthday to myself!


Well for everyone that might want to know what I got on my birthday or any exciting things that I might have done I will give you a run down.

Gifts- Well I got the best rice cooker you can get! Yeah that sounds funny to you, but it is true. When you lived off of rice for two years you know when you are eating good rice or plain boring american cooked rice. So I have now have a great rice cooker and would love to cook Korean food for anyone. Plus dose it not only cook rice, but it makes amazing Soups! 
I also received some gift cards for ice cream and some food! Some nice clothes from Jon and the Laws family. From friends I received a board game about sports, and a apron. Okay the story behind the apron is the fact that one time my friend Stefanie made cookies with me and I was wearing a floral apron. So she decided I need something more manly. So it was great!

Fun Activities- Well I thought long and hard about what I should do, so I decided to go skiing. Yep that is what I would do. Skiing was great. I went with my friends. I ended up teaching most of the night, but it was fun and the snow was great. Go night skiing up at brighton. 

So I am out of the 21st year of my life. Back to even numbers the good old 22. So know I am no longer consider fresh off the mission and I think I am supposed to be more aware of what I need to do in life, but I am not and not worrying to much. Life is good and I love you all. 

I am making a promise that I will keep this more updated over the next couple of weeks, I have been bad, totally my fault. Have a super day!

"Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself."
- Tom Wilson


Jamie Meacham said...

Happy birthday little big bro! love ya

Robert said...

Its great to have you home

Jessica said...

Glad to hear you finally got our package and I am sorry AGAIN for being late wishing you a happy b-day! :)

Lon and Brooke said...

so jealous... remember those sweet skiing days!? What fun!